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# import codecs, grpc, os
# import lightning_pb2 as lnrpc, lightning_pb2_grpc as lightningstub
from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils import timezone
import random
import string
# Placeholder functions
# Should work with LND (maybe c-lightning in the future)
class LNNode():
Place holder functions to interact with Lightning Node
# macaroon = codecs.encode(open('LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/simnet/admin.macaroon', 'rb').read(), 'hex')
# cert = open('LND_DIR/tls.cert', 'rb').read()
# ssl_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(cert)
# channel = grpc.secure_channel('localhost:10009', ssl_creds)
# stub = lightningstub.LightningStub(channel)
def gen_hold_invoice(num_satoshis, description, expiry):
'''Generates hold invoice to publish an order'''
invoice = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=80)) #FIX
payment_hash = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=40)) #FIX
expires_at = timezone.now() + timedelta(hours=8) ##FIX
return invoice, payment_hash, expires_at
def validate_hold_invoice_locked(payment_hash):
'''Checks if hodl invoice is locked'''
# request = ln.InvoiceSubscription()
# When invoice is settled, return true. If time expires, return False.
# for invoice in stub.SubscribeInvoices(request):
# print(invoice)
return True
def validate_ln_invoice(invoice, num_satoshis):
'''Checks if the submited LN invoice is as expected'''
# request = lnrpc.PayReqString(pay_req=invoice)
# response = stub.DecodePayReq(request, metadata=[('macaroon', macaroon)])
# # {
# # "destination": <string>,
# # "payment_hash": <string>,
# # "num_satoshis": <int64>,
# # "timestamp": <int64>,
# # "expiry": <int64>,
# # "description": <string>,
# # "description_hash": <string>,
# # "fallback_addr": <string>,
# # "cltv_expiry": <int64>,
# # "route_hints": <array RouteHint>,
# # "payment_addr": <bytes>,
# # "num_msat": <int64>,
# # "features": <array FeaturesEntry>,
# # }
# if not response['num_satoshis'] == num_satoshis:
# return False, {'bad_invoice':f'The invoice provided is not for {num_satoshis}. '}, None, None, None
# description = response['description']
# payment_hash = response['payment_hash']
# expires_at = timezone(response['expiry'])
# if payment_hash and expires_at > timezone.now():
# return True, None, description, payment_hash, expires_at
valid = True
context = None
description = 'Placeholder desc' # TODO decrypt from LN invoice
payment_hash = '567&*GIHU126' # TODO decrypt
expires_at = timezone.now() # TODO decrypt
return valid, context, description, payment_hash, expires_at
def pay_invoice(invoice):
'''Sends sats to buyer, or cancelinvoices'''
return True
def check_if_hold_invoice_is_locked(payment_hash):
'''Every hodl invoice that is in state INVGEN
Has to be checked for payment received until
the window expires'''
return True
def settle_hold_htlcs(payment_hash):
'''Charges a LN hold invoice'''
return True
def return_hold_htlcs(payment_hash):
'''Returns sats'''
return True
def double_check_htlc_is_settled(payment_hash):
''' Just as it sounds. Better safe than sorry!'''
return True