2022-01-06 13:36:22 -08:00

202 lines
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from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils import timezone
import requests
from .lightning import LNNode
from .models import Order, LNPayment, User
from decouple import config
FEE = float(config('FEE'))
BOND_SIZE = float(config('BOND_SIZE'))
MIN_TRADE = int(config('MIN_TRADE'))
MAX_TRADE = int(config('MAX_TRADE'))
BOND_EXPIRY = int(config('BOND_EXPIRY'))
class Logics():
# escrow_user = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME)
def validate_already_maker_or_taker(user):
'''Checks if the user is already partipant of an order'''
queryset = Order.objects.filter(maker=user)
if queryset.exists():
return False, {'Bad Request':'You are already maker of an order'}
queryset = Order.objects.filter(taker=user)
if queryset.exists():
return False, {'Bad Request':'You are already taker of an order'}
return True, None
def validate_order_size(order):
'''Checks if order is withing limits at t0'''
if order.t0_satoshis > MAX_TRADE:
return False, {'Bad_request': 'Your order is too big. It is worth {order.t0_satoshis} now, max is {MAX_TRADE}'}
if order.t0_satoshis < MIN_TRADE:
return False, {'Bad_request': 'Your order is too small. It is worth {order.t0_satoshis} now, min is {MIN_TRADE}'}
return True, None
def take(order, user):
order.taker = user
order.status = Order.Status.TAK
def is_buyer(order, user):
is_maker = order.maker == user
is_taker = order.taker == user
return (is_maker and order.type == Order.Types.BUY) or (is_taker and order.type == Order.Types.SELL)
def is_seller(order, user):
is_maker = order.maker == user
is_taker = order.taker == user
return (is_maker and order.type == Order.Types.SELL) or (is_taker and order.type == Order.Types.BUY)
def satoshis_now(order):
''' checks trade amount in sats '''
if order.is_explicit:
satoshis_now = order.satoshis
# TODO Add fallback Public APIs and error handling
market_prices = requests.get(MARKET_PRICE_API).json()
exchange_rate = float(market_prices[Order.Currencies(order.currency).label]['last'])
satoshis_now = ((float(order.amount) * 1+float(order.premium)) / exchange_rate) * 100*1000*1000
return satoshis_now
def order_expires(order):
order.status = Order.Status.EXP
order.maker = None
order.taker = None
def update_invoice(cls, order, user, invoice):
is_valid_invoice, num_satoshis, description, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.validate_ln_invoice(invoice)
# only user is the buyer and a valid LN invoice
if cls.is_buyer(order, user) and is_valid_invoice:
order.buyer_invoice, _ = LNPayment.objects.update_or_create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.PAYBUYER,
type = LNPayment.Types.NORM,
sender = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
receiver= user,
# if there is a LNPayment matching these above, it updates that with defaults below.
'invoice' : invoice,
'status' : LNPayment.Status.VALIDI,
'num_satoshis' : num_satoshis,
'description' : description,
'payment_hash' : payment_hash,
'expires_at' : expires_at}
#If the order status was Payment Failed. Move foward to invoice Updated.
if order.status == Order.Status.FAI:
order.status = Order.Status.UPI
return True, None
return False, {'bad_request':'Invalid Lightning Network Invoice. It starts by LNTB...'}
def cancel_order(cls, order, user, state):
# 1) When maker cancels before bond
'''The order never shows up on the book and status
changes to cancelled. That's it.'''
# 2) When maker cancels after bond
'''The order dissapears from book and goes to cancelled.
Maker is charged a small amount of sats, to prevent DDOS
on the LN node and order book'''
# 3) When taker cancels before bond
''' The order goes back to the book as public.
LNPayment "order.taker_bond" is deleted() '''
# 4) When taker or maker cancel after bond
'''The order goes into cancelled status if maker cancels.
The order goes into the public book if taker cancels.
In both cases there is a small fee.'''
# 5) When trade collateral has been posted
'''Always goes to cancelled status. Collaboration is needed.
When a user asks for cancel, 'order.is_pending_cancel' goes True.
When the second user asks for cancel. Order is totally cancelled.
Has a small cost for both parties to prevent node DDOS.'''
def gen_maker_hodl_invoice(cls, order, user):
# Do not gen and delete if order is more than 5 minutes old
if order.expires_at <
return False, {'Order expired':'cannot generate a bond invoice for an expired order. Make a new one.'}
# Return the previous invoice if there was one
if order.maker_bond:
return True, {'invoice':order.maker_bond.invoice,'bond_satoshis':order.maker_bond.num_satoshis}
order.satoshis_now = cls.satoshis_now(order)
bond_satoshis = int(order.satoshis_now * BOND_SIZE)
description = f'RoboSats - Maker bond for order ID {}. These sats will return to you if you do not cheat!'
# Gen HODL Invoice
invoice, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hodl_invoice(bond_satoshis, description, BOND_EXPIRY*3600)
order.maker_bond = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.MAKEBOND,
type = LNPayment.Types.HODL,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = bond_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
expires_at = expires_at)
return True, {'invoice':invoice,'bond_satoshis':bond_satoshis}
def gen_takerbuyer_hodl_invoice(cls, order, user):
# Do not gen and cancel if a taker invoice is there and older than 2 minutes
if order.taker_bond:
if order.taker_bond.created_at > (
cls.cancel_order(order, user, 3) # State 3, cancel order before taker bond
return False, {'Invoice expired':'You did not confirm taking the order in time.'}
# Return the previous invoice if there was one
return True, {'invoice':order.taker_bond.invoice,'bond_satoshis':order.taker_bond.num_satoshis}
order.satoshis_now = cls.satoshis_now(order)
bond_satoshis = int(order.satoshis_now * BOND_SIZE)
description = f'RoboSats - Taker bond for order ID {}. These sats will return to you if you do not cheat!'
# Gen HODL Invoice
invoice, payment_hash, expires_at = LNNode.gen_hodl_invoice(bond_satoshis, description, BOND_EXPIRY*3600)
order.taker_bond = LNPayment.objects.create(
concept = LNPayment.Concepts.TAKEBOND,
type = LNPayment.Types.HODL,
sender = user,
receiver = User.objects.get(username=ESCROW_USERNAME),
invoice = invoice,
status = LNPayment.Status.INVGEN,
num_satoshis = bond_satoshis,
description = description,
payment_hash = payment_hash,
expires_at = expires_at)
return True, {'invoice':invoice,'bond_satoshis': bond_satoshis}