2023-05-27 06:01:09 -07:00

3.6 KiB

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and OSX 12.5.1


Install JDK

Make sure you install version 17

sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jdk
java -version

Install Android Studio

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/android-studio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install android-studio

Install watchman

cd watchman-v2022.06.20.00-linux
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/{bin,lib} /usr/local/var/run/watchman
sudo cp bin/* /usr/local/bin
sudo cp lib/* /usr/local/lib
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/watchman
sudo chmod 2777 /usr/local/var/run/watchman

(If in VMware linux environment)

sudo apt install -y open-vm-tools-desktop
sudo apt install -y qemu-kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder bridge-utils
sudo usermod -aG kvm $(whoami)

Create Emulator (or connect Android phone and install adb)

Use the GUI of Android studio to create a new virtual device. As of 26/03/2023 we are using a Pixel 5 as template and System image Tiramisu API level 33

If using a phone, start the USB debugging mode.

Open or create robosats/mobile/android/

  • Add sdk.dir = /home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/Android/Sdk

You can check your SDK location on the GUI of Android studio: Tools > SDK Manager Make sure you have NDK installed : Tools > SDK Manager > SDK Tools > NDK (Side by Side)

Launch app builder and

Make sure you have the main.js file created on robosats/mobile/html/Web.bundle/js, if not, go to robosats/frontend/

npm run dev

Launch your emulator if you are using one:

cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools && ./emulator -avd <DEVICE_NAME>

Point a terminal to /robosats/mobile/ to start metro

npm start

And on another terminal, also in /robosats/mobile/, build and install the debug app

npx react-native run-android

You can also use react-native run-android --mode=release to fully test the release builds of the app.


Install JDK

Make sure you install version 17

Install Android Studio

Download and install Make sure you have the following libraries installed globally.

npm install -g react-native-cli
brew install android-platform-tools

Open robosats/mobile/android to start the first build process.

Install watchman

Check or use brew:

brew install node
brew install watchman

Create Emulator (or connect Android phone and install adb)

Use the GUI of Android studio to create a new virtual devide, make sure you add enought internal storage (>= 2 GB). As of 11/10/2022 we are using a Pixel 5 as template and System image R API level 30 Android 11.0

Open or create robosats/mobile/android/

  • Add sdk.dir = /Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>//Library/Android/sdk
  • M1 Users should also add ndk.dir= /Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>//Library/Android/sdk/ndk/{{ndkVersion}}

You can check your SDK location on the GUI of Android studio: Tools > SDK Manager Make sure you have NDK installed : Tools > SDK Manager > SDK Tools > NDK (Side by Side)

Run app

Make sure you have the main.js file created on robosats/mobile/html/Web.bundle/js, if not, go to robosats/frontend/

npm run dev

Point a terminal to robosats/mobile/

npx react-native run-android

After the build, run or debug your project on Android Studio. Alternatively, you can run the following command to check logs on terminal:

npx react-native log-android