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const { promisify } = require('util')
const config = require('./../config')
const db = require('knex')(config.database)
2018-09-23 16:28:15 +00:00
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg')
const fs = require('fs')
const logger = require('./../logger')
const path = require('path')
const paths = require('./pathsController')
const perms = require('./permissionController')
2018-12-03 07:20:13 +00:00
const sharp = require('sharp')
const si = require('systeminformation')
const self = {
clamd: {
scanner: null,
timeout: config.uploads.scan.timeout || 5000,
chunkSize: config.uploads.scan.chunkSize || 64 * 1024
gitHash: null,
idSet: null,
idMaxTries: config.uploads.maxTries || 1,
imageExts: ['.webp', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.tiff', '.tif', '.svg'],
videoExts: ['.webm', '.mp4', '.wmv', '.avi', '.mov', '.mkv'],
ffprobe: promisify(ffmpeg.ffprobe)
const statsCache = {
system: {
cache: null,
generating: false
albums: {
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0,
invalidatedAt: 0
users: {
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0,
invalidatedAt: 0
uploads: {
cache: null,
generating: false,
generatedAt: 0,
invalidatedAt: 0
const cloudflareAuth = config.cloudflare.apiKey && && config.cloudflare.zoneId
self.mayGenerateThumb = extname => {
return (config.uploads.generateThumbs.image && self.imageExts.includes(extname)) ||
( && self.videoExts.includes(extname))
// Expand if necessary (must be lower case); for now only preserves some known tarballs
const extPreserves = ['.tar.gz', '.tar.z', '.tar.bz2', '.tar.lzma', '.tar.lzo', '.tar.xz']
self.extname = filename => {
Updates Reworked unique name generator to prevent the same unique identifier from being used if it was already used with a different extension (e.i. If a file named aBcD.jpg already exists, then files such as aBcD.png or aBcD.txt may not exist). This is mainly to deal with the fact that thumbnails are only being saved as PNG, so if the same unique name is being used by multiple image/video extensions, then only one of them will have the proper thumbnail. If you already have existing files with matching unique name but varying extensions, unfortunately you can only deal with them manually for now (either allocating new unique names or deleting them altogether). Added a new config option to filter files with no extension. Files with no extensions will no longer have their original name appended to the allocated random name (e.i. A file named "textfile" used to become something like "aBcDtextfile", where "aBcD" was the allocated random name. Now it will only just become "aBcD"). In relation to that, utils.extname() function will now always return blank string if the file name does not seem to have any extension. Though files such as '.DS_Store' (basically anything that starts with a dot) will still be accepted. Examples: .hiddenfile => .hiddenfile => .sh .hiddenfile.001 => .hiddenfile.001 => .sh.001 Simplified error messages of /api/upload/finishchunks. Most, if not all, of the error responses for /api/upload* will now have HTTP status code 400 (bad request) instead of 200 (ok). I plan to generalize this for the other API routes in the future. Updated home.js to properly handle formatted error message when the response's status code is not 200 (ok). Bumped v1 version string (due to home.js).
2018-11-28 17:52:12 +00:00
// Always return blank string if the filename does not seem to have a valid extension
// Files such as .DS_Store (anything that starts with a dot, without any extension after) will still be accepted
if (!/\../.test(filename)) return ''
Updates Reworked unique name generator to prevent the same unique identifier from being used if it was already used with a different extension (e.i. If a file named aBcD.jpg already exists, then files such as aBcD.png or aBcD.txt may not exist). This is mainly to deal with the fact that thumbnails are only being saved as PNG, so if the same unique name is being used by multiple image/video extensions, then only one of them will have the proper thumbnail. If you already have existing files with matching unique name but varying extensions, unfortunately you can only deal with them manually for now (either allocating new unique names or deleting them altogether). Added a new config option to filter files with no extension. Files with no extensions will no longer have their original name appended to the allocated random name (e.i. A file named "textfile" used to become something like "aBcDtextfile", where "aBcD" was the allocated random name. Now it will only just become "aBcD"). In relation to that, utils.extname() function will now always return blank string if the file name does not seem to have any extension. Though files such as '.DS_Store' (basically anything that starts with a dot) will still be accepted. Examples: .hiddenfile => .hiddenfile => .sh .hiddenfile.001 => .hiddenfile.001 => .sh.001 Simplified error messages of /api/upload/finishchunks. Most, if not all, of the error responses for /api/upload* will now have HTTP status code 400 (bad request) instead of 200 (ok). I plan to generalize this for the other API routes in the future. Updated home.js to properly handle formatted error message when the response's status code is not 200 (ok). Bumped v1 version string (due to home.js).
2018-11-28 17:52:12 +00:00
let lower = filename.toLowerCase() // due to this, the returned extname will always be lower case
let multi = ''
let extname = ''
// check for multi-archive extensions (.001, .002, and so on)
if (/\.\d{3}$/.test(lower)) {
multi = lower.slice(lower.lastIndexOf('.') - lower.length)
lower = lower.slice(0, lower.lastIndexOf('.'))
// check against extensions that must be preserved
for (const extPreserve of extPreserves)
if (lower.endsWith(extPreserve)) {
extname = extPreserve
if (!extname)
extname = lower.slice(lower.lastIndexOf('.') - lower.length) // path.extname(lower)
return extname + multi
self.escape = (string) => {
// MIT License
// Copyright(c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk
// Copyright(c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe
// Copyright(c) 2015 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu
if (!string)
return string
const str = String(string)
const match = /["'&<>]/.exec(str)
if (!match)
return str
let escape
let html = ''
let index = 0
let lastIndex = 0
for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) {
switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) {
case 34: // "
escape = '&quot;'
case 38: // &
escape = '&amp;'
case 39: // '
escape = '&#39;'
case 60: // <
escape = '&lt;'
case 62: // >
escape = '&gt;'
if (lastIndex !== index)
html += str.substring(lastIndex, index)
lastIndex = index + 1
html += escape
return lastIndex !== index
? html + str.substring(lastIndex, index)
: html
self.authorize = async (req, res) => {
// TODO: Improve usage of this function by the other APIs
const token = req.headers.token
if (token === undefined) {
res.status(401).json({ success: false, description: 'No token provided.' })
2017-10-04 00:13:38 +00:00
try {
const user = await db.table('users')
.where('token', token)
if (user) {
if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0) {
res.json({ success: false, description: 'This account has been disabled.' })
return user
2018-10-09 19:52:41 +00:00
res.status(401).json({ success: false, description: 'Invalid token.' })
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ success: false, description: 'An unexpected error occurred. Try again?' })
2017-10-04 00:13:38 +00:00
self.generateThumbs = async (name, extname, force) => {
const thumbname = path.join(paths.thumbs, name.slice(0, -extname.length) + '.png')
try {
// Check if thumbnail already exists
try {
const lstat = await paths.lstat(thumbname)
if (lstat.isSymbolicLink())
// Unlink if symlink (should be symlink to the placeholder)
await paths.unlink(thumbname)
else if (!force)
// Continue only if it does not exist, unless forced to
return true
} catch (error) {
// Re-throw error
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw error
// Full path to input file
const input = path.join(paths.uploads, name)
// If image extension
if (self.imageExts.includes(extname)) {
const resizeOptions = {
width: 200,
height: 200,
fit: 'contain',
background: {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
alpha: 0
const image = sharp(input)
const metadata = await image.metadata()
if (metadata.width > resizeOptions.width || metadata.height > resizeOptions.height) {
await image
} else if (metadata.width === resizeOptions.width && metadata.height === resizeOptions.height) {
await image
} else {
const x = resizeOptions.width - metadata.width
const y = resizeOptions.height - metadata.height
await image
top: Math.floor(y / 2),
bottom: Math.ceil(y / 2),
left: Math.floor(x / 2),
right: Math.ceil(x / 2),
background: resizeOptions.background
} else if (self.videoExts.includes(extname)) {
const metadata = await self.ffprobe(input)
// Skip files that do not have video streams/channels
if (!metadata.streams || !metadata.streams.some(s => s.codec_type === 'video'))
throw 'File does not contain any video stream'
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
`-ss ${parseInt(metadata.format.duration) * 20 / 100}`
'-vframes 1',
'-vf scale=200:200:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease'
.on('error', async error => {
// Try to unlink thumbnail,
// since ffmpeg may have created an incomplete thumbnail
try {
await paths.unlink(thumbname)
} catch (err) {
if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT')
logger.error(`[${name}]: ${err.toString()}`)
return reject(error)
.on('end', () => resolve(true))
} else {
return false
} catch (error) {
// Suppress error logging for errors these patterns
const errorString = error.toString()
const suppress = [
/Input file contains unsupported image format/,
/Invalid data found when processing input/,
/File does not contain any video stream/
if (!suppress.some(t => t.test(errorString)))
logger.error(`[${name}]: ${errorString}`)
try {
await paths.symlink(paths.thumbPlaceholder, thumbname)
return true
} catch (err) {
return false
return true
self.unlinkFile = async (filename, predb) => {
try {
await paths.unlink(path.join(paths.uploads, filename))
} catch (error) {
// Return true if file does not exist
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw error
const identifier = filename.split('.')[0]
// Do not remove from identifiers cache on pre-db-deletion
// eslint-disable-next-line curly
if (!predb && self.idSet) {
// logger.log(`Removed ${identifier} from identifiers cache (deleteFile)`)
const extname = self.extname(filename)
if (self.imageExts.includes(extname) || self.videoExts.includes(extname))
try {
await paths.unlink(path.join(paths.thumbs, `${identifier}.png`))
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw error
self.bulkDeleteFromDb = async (field, values, user) => {
if (!user || !['id', 'name'].includes(field)) return
// SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER, which defaults to 999
// Read more:
const chunks = []
while (values.length)
chunks.push(values.splice(0, MAX_VARIABLES_CHUNK_SIZE))
let failed = []
const ismoderator =, 'moderator')
try {
let unlinkeds = []
const albumids = []
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
const files = await db.table('files')
.whereIn(field, chunks[i])
.where(function () {
if (!ismoderator)
// Push files that could not be found in db
failed = failed.concat(chunks[i].filter(value => !files.find(file => file[field] === value)))
// Unlink all found files
const unlinked = []
for (const file of files)
try {
await self.unlinkFile(, true)
} catch (error) {
if (!unlinked.length)
// Delete all unlinked files from db
await db.table('files')
.whereIn('id', =>
if (self.idSet)
unlinked.forEach(file => {
const identifier ='.')[0]
// logger.log(`Removed ${identifier} from identifiers cache (bulkDeleteFromDb)`)
// Push album ids
unlinked.forEach(file => {
if (file.albumid && !albumids.includes(file.albumid))
// Push unlinked files
unlinkeds = unlinkeds.concat(unlinked)
if (unlinkeds.length) {
// Update albums if necessary, but do not wait
if (albumids.length)
.whereIn('id', albumids)
.update('editedAt', Math.floor( / 1000))
// Purge Cloudflare's cache if necessary, but do not wait
if (config.cloudflare.purgeCache)
self.purgeCloudflareCache( =>, true, true)
.then(results => {
for (const result of results)
if (result.errors.length)
result.errors.forEach(error => logger.error(`[CF]: ${error}`))
} catch (error) {
return failed
self.purgeCloudflareCache = async (names, uploads, thumbs) => {
if (!Array.isArray(names) || !names.length || !cloudflareAuth)
return [{
success: false,
files: [],
errors: ['An unexpected error occured.']
let domain = config.domain
if (!uploads) domain = config.homeDomain
const thumbNames = []
names = => {
if (uploads) {
const url = `${domain}/${name}`
const extname = self.extname(name)
if (thumbs && self.mayGenerateThumb(extname))
thumbNames.push(`${domain}/thumbs/${name.slice(0, -extname.length)}.png`)
return url
} else {
return name === 'home' ? domain : `${domain}/${name}`
names = names.concat(thumbNames)
// Split array into multiple arrays with max length of 30 URLs
const MAX_LENGTH = 30
const chunks = []
while (names.length)
chunks.push(names.splice(0, MAX_LENGTH))
const url = `${config.cloudflare.zoneId}/purge_cache`
const results = []
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const result = {
success: false,
files: chunk,
errors: []
try {
const purge = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ files: chunk }),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Auth-Key': config.cloudflare.apiKey
const response = await purge.json()
result.success = response.success
if (Array.isArray(response.errors) && response.errors.length)
result.errors = => `${error.code}: ${error.message}`)
} catch (error) {
result.errors = [error.toString()]
return results
self.bulkDeleteExpired = async (dryrun) => {
const timestamp = / 1000
const field = 'id'
const sudo = { username: 'root' }
const result = {}
result.expired = await db.table('files')
.where('expirydate', '<=', timestamp)
.then(rows => => row[field]))
if (!dryrun) {
const values = result.expired.slice() // Make a shallow copy
result.failed = await self.bulkDeleteFromDb(field, values, sudo)
return result
self.invalidateStatsCache = type => {
if (!['albums', 'users', 'uploads'].includes(type)) return
statsCache[type].invalidatedAt =
self.stats = async (req, res, next) => {
const user = await self.authorize(req, res)
if (!user) return
const isadmin =, 'admin')
if (!isadmin) return res.status(403).end()
const stats = {}
// Re-use caches as long as they are still valid
if (!statsCache.system.cache && statsCache.system.generating) {
stats.system = false
} else if (statsCache.system.generating) {
stats.system = statsCache.system.cache
} else {
statsCache.system.generating = true
const os = await si.osInfo()
const currentLoad = await si.currentLoad()
const mem = await si.mem()
stats.system = {
platform: `${os.platform} ${os.arch}`,
distro: `${os.distro} ${os.release}`,
kernel: os.kernel,
cpuLoad: `${currentLoad.currentload.toFixed(1)}%`,
cpusLoad: => `${cpu.load.toFixed(1)}%`).join(', '),
systemMemory: {
memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage().rss,
nodeVersion: `${process.versions.node}`
// Update cache
statsCache.system.cache = stats.system
statsCache.system.generating = false
if (!statsCache.albums.cache && statsCache.albums.generating) {
stats.albums = false
} else if ((statsCache.albums.invalidatedAt < statsCache.albums.generatedAt) || statsCache.albums.generating) {
stats.albums = statsCache.albums.cache
} else {
statsCache.albums.generating = true
stats.albums = {
total: 0,
active: 0,
downloadable: 0,
public: 0,
zips: 0
const albums = await db.table('albums') = albums.length
const identifiers = []
for (const album of albums)
if (album.enabled) {
if ( stats.albums.downloadable++
if (album.public) stats.albums.public++
if (album.zipGeneratedAt) identifiers.push(album.identifier)
const zipsDir = path.join(paths.uploads, 'zips')
await Promise.all( => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const filePath = path.join(zipsDir, `${identifier}.zip`)
fs.access(filePath, error => {
if (!error) stats.albums.zips++
// Update cache
statsCache.albums.cache = stats.albums
statsCache.albums.generatedAt =
statsCache.albums.generating = false
if (!statsCache.users.cache && statsCache.users.generating) {
stats.users = false
} else if ((statsCache.users.invalidatedAt < statsCache.users.generatedAt) || statsCache.users.generating) {
stats.users = statsCache.users.cache
} else {
statsCache.users.generating = true
stats.users = {
total: 0,
disabled: 0
const permissionKeys = Object.keys(perms.permissions)
permissionKeys.forEach(p => {
stats.users[p] = 0
const users = await db.table('users') = users.length
for (const user of users) {
if (user.enabled === false || user.enabled === 0)
// This may be inaccurate on installations with customized permissions
user.permission = user.permission || 0
for (const p of permissionKeys)
if (user.permission === perms.permissions[p]) {
// Update cache
statsCache.users.cache = stats.users
statsCache.users.generatedAt =
statsCache.users.generating = false
if (!statsCache.uploads.cache && statsCache.uploads.generating) {
stats.uploads = false
} else if ((statsCache.uploads.invalidatedAt < statsCache.uploads.generatedAt) || statsCache.uploads.generating) {
stats.uploads = statsCache.uploads.cache
} else {
statsCache.uploads.generating = true
stats.uploads = {
total: 0,
size: 0,
images: 0,
videos: 0,
others: 0
const uploads = await db.table('files') = uploads.length
for (const upload of uploads) {
stats.uploads.size += parseInt(upload.size)
const extname = self.extname(
if (self.imageExts.includes(extname))
else if (self.videoExts.includes(extname))
// Update cache
statsCache.uploads.cache = stats.uploads
statsCache.uploads.generatedAt =
statsCache.uploads.generating = false
return res.json({ success: true, stats })
module.exports = self