Also Object.freeze() permissions object in permissionController.
I don't think it's much to be worried about, as no "set" will be done to
it during the service's operation, but oh well, might as well.
specifically the auto-scroll in uploads/users/albums list.
previously it'd auto scroll to the top for every same-page operation.
now it'd only auto scroll when actually moving page.
so same-page operations such as deleting uploads, editing users, etc.
will no longer scroll away.
it will re-map body of /api/album/get/:id into upstream-compatible body.
prep for lolisafe albums support for magane plugin.
/api/album/:id/:page will stil respond with the old format as that's
what the dashboard use and expect.
list views of uploads, users and albums in dashboard will now show
total items count on the table's top right corner.
they'll also be collapsed on initial page load
this uses a new client-side dependency, bulma-collapsible
/api/albums to fetch albums list now support simple reply, where only
their ids and names will be returned.
this simple reply will also return all of the user's albums, instead of
being limited to only 9 or 25 entires like before.
fixed add to album in dashboard, and album selector in homepage uploader
being limited to only 25 albums.
much more expandable, and should be easier to understand overall.
make more statistics operations run concurrently to speed them up.
make linuxDiskStats config key obsolete by using systeminformation
package to also query for any mounted file systems.
removed node-sass as explicit dev dependency
gulp-dart-sass will already require sass (new dart sass, not node-sass)
added fibers as a new dev dependency
this is a requirement to speed up async sass compiling
full sub-dependencies upgrade (deleted yarn.lock then did yarn install)
bumped v1 version string to trigger auto rebuild
changed reporter formatter for gulp stylelint from verbose to string
this should now only print out issues to console
linted other server-side JS files that i missed out on previous commits
bumped versions.js to trigger github actions
Replaced all Array.concat() with spread operator and/or push().
Fixed some faulty search logics when using exclusion filters.
Fixed capitalization of mac font in _variables.scss. Stylelint somehow
fricked up again in my previous commit.
Now will calculate usage as (total - avail).
In Linux, ext filesystems by default reserves 5% of the space to be
usable by root, making them essentially already "used" space.
Originally we didn't take that into account.
Disk usage percentage will now round down: Math.round() -> Math.floor().
The general behavior in other tools such as "df".
node-fetch: 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1 (security)
browserslist: 4.14.0 -> 4.14.1
stylelint: 13.6.1 -> 13.7.0
Obligatory bump to versions.json as this commit requires rebuilding
client assets (dev dependencies updates affect style.css).
As usual, rebuilds will be in the next commit by the build bot.
src/js/misc/utils.js: Added page.getPrettyUptime().
Updated dependency:
helmet: 3.23.3 -> 4.1.0
lolisafe.js: Disabled CSP by default.
Since helmet 4, CSP would instead be enabled by default.
Added new dev dependencies:
bulma, gulp-sass, node-sass
Updated some dependencies
Various other things related to styling
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets
I wasn't aware ShareX wouldn't do a basic GET request to the delete URL,
but would instead open your browser to it.
Unfortunately, due to the structure of lolisafe auth setting token
through HTTP header, which had always been done by JS as it has to get
the value from local storage, just visiting the API from browser will
merely respond with "No token provided".
We'd need cookie-based auth, which I do not want to add.
The old me that added deletion API long ago might have been aware of
this fact, but the me of a few hours ago already forgot..
I'll give this further thoughts at a later date, as ShareX isn't really
a priority to me.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
Also fixed undefined vars check, as var === undefined throws error
when truly not defined.
It's probably specific to browsers (don't recall seeing this in node).
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
Despite that, it still expects the existence of a so-called main script
in "page" variable, and also expects to be loaded by it instead,
with an internal check to load itself if the main script fails to call
itself within the expected conditions.
Improved button colors in SweetAlert prompts.
Refactored window.onload() to DOMContentLoaded's event listener.
This should essentially allow pages to have multiple scripts that listen
to that event.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.
For registered users only!
This requires adding a basic GET API for file deletion, so that I did.
Configs which guests download will not include pattern for delete URL,
so they won't get notified of unusable delete URL or anything like that.
dev: Improved logger.debug() to support specifying options for node's
Util.inspect() if an object is set as its last param
(assuming >1 params).
Default options now also includes enabling colors.
src/js/utils.js: Simplified dynamic ShareX config generator.
Among other things, it will now use JSON.stringify().
I don't even remember why we didn't use that in the first place..
Some logic improvements in src/js/home.js.
Bumped v1 version string and rebuilt client assets.