Commit Graph

151 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Bobby Wibowo
Updated nojs.njk 2019-09-02 02:35:10 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Upgraded dependencies.

Stop adding cache-control header to album zip files unless
config.cacheControl is enabled.

Updated CSS files.
Moved thumbnail-related styling to thumbs.css.
Various other fixes & improvements.

Moved render.js from public/js to public/js/s.

Removed sharex.js in favor of public/js/s/utils.js.
Moved getPrettyDate() & getPrettyBytes() to that JS file as well.

Added lsKeys global variable wherever applicable.
Previously the idea was only used in dashboard.js.

Added No-JS version of album public pages.
You'll only have to add ?nojs to the URL.
Viewing the regular version with JS disabled will show a notice with
a link to the No-JS version of the particular album.
Overall page size of the regular version will now be lower as well,
since there'll be no need to add noscript tag for each thumbs.

No longer show Administrator section to non-admin in the dashboard.
Moderators will ONLY be able to see manage users menu as well.

Simplified FAQ wherever applicable.
Added a new FAQ about bug report or feature request.

Updated link for Firefox extension.
Also pushed Firefox link before Chrome, cause I like it more.

Added browser settings menu to dashboard.
This allows you to choose file size unit (kilobyte vs kibibyte) for that
specific browser.
The preference will be used on homepage, dashboard and album pages.
This also allows you to set chunk size and maximum parallel uploads
for the homepage uploader.

All menu links in the dashboard will now scroll to the content once
Previously it would only do so with manage uploads/users when
switching pages.

Refactored all instances of for-in & for-of loop from browser JS files.
For the sake of uniformity, for now.
2019-09-02 02:23:16 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Make ellipsis in pagination clickable.
It will set focus to the jump to page input, and "select" its value.
Allowing user to simply type in any numbers and press Enter to navigate.

Bumped v1 version string.
2019-08-27 05:23:54 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Trim user & pass upon login / registration, on both client & server.
Users that might have already had whitespace prefix/suffix will need to
have their usernames manually updated in the database.

Warp various text inputs in the dashboard into HTML form.
This will make them be submittable when pressing Enter on the keyboard.

Switching page using the prev/next buttons, pagination, and jump to page
input, will now scroll the view to the top of the page element.

Bumped v1 version string.
2019-08-27 05:00:57 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Replaced all instances of getElementById and getElementsByClassName
with querySelector or querySelectorAll.

* Updated utilsController.js to stop disabling
no-async-promise-executor eslint rule.

* Removed unused lines in dashboard.njk.

* Refactored maxFileSize to maxSize in home.{css,js,njk}.

* Updated ClamAV codes in lolisafe.js. No more pinging.
Since querying version will also check connection anyway.

* Option "Upload to album" in homepage is now selectable.
Selecting this option will restore the uploader to not associate files
with an album.

* Fixed uploader to properly respect server's max file size.
Also updated error message of file size to use MB instead of MiB.

* Creating an album from homepage will automatically select the album.

* Updated Dropzone.js to v5.5.0.

* Bumped v1 & v3 version strings.

* Various other small fixes.
2019-08-20 09:16:34 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated random render script.

Added a new render category (miku). Choice is currently hard-coded.

Added 50 renders for miku category.

Bumped v1 & v4 version strings.
2019-08-18 21:52:19 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Pressing Enter on the auth form will now properly make it try to login.

Slightly better error messages on auth page.

Bumped v1 version string.

Updated dependencies (knex & sqlite).
2019-08-18 16:57:56 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated deps.

Re-enabled eslint rule no-async-promise-executor.
Updated some codes to follow the said rule.
Though I had to disable the rule in a line at utilsController.js
due to complexity.
I'll give it more thoughts in the future.

Bumped v1 version string.
2019-08-04 06:37:55 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
+ Rebuild dependencies. I'm starting to think dependabot isn't quite reliable.

auth.js + home.js + _globals.njk:
+ Updated a few error handlings to handle error messages better.
2019-07-03 22:56:45 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
+ Close connection earlier when there are no upload when querying them.

dashboard.css + style.css:
+ Updated styling involving pagination and progress bar.

+ Fixed dashboard failing to handle cases where a user attemp to load
a next page when there are not enough uploads available.
+ Added a simple loading message as a placeholder when trying to view
Stastistics menu, since it may take a while in big servers.

bulma.min.css + LICENSE:
+ Updated bulma from 0.7.2 to 0.7.5.

+ Bumped v1 and v3 version strings.
2019-06-19 01:48:30 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updates (dashboard)
+ Better pagination.
+ Added more advanced filtering system in Manage Uploads.
It now supports filtering with multiple usernames and/or IPs.
It also supports refining the matches with wildcards.

Perhaps add simple file name filtering for regular users in the future?
2019-06-18 02:34:15 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
config.sample.js + uploadController.js:
+ Added option uploads > storeIP to toggle whether to store uploader's
IPs into the database.

uploadController.js + dashboard.js:
+ Added IP column when listing all uploads.
+ Improved album query when listing uploads. In addition, no longer
query album when listing all uploads.
+ Delegate some tasks to client when listing uploads to save server's
processing power, kek.
Such as building the file's full URLs, and assigning album/user names.

+ Bumped v1 version string.
2019-06-04 07:57:37 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated _globals.njk
I forgot I need to bump this version after updating dashboard.js
in a previous commit.
2019-06-04 02:47:05 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated unicorn_6.png
Forgot to remove render watermark, lmao
2019-04-20 17:08:40 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated albums public page
File size when JavaScript is disabled will now properly use B suffix.
It's referring to the fact that their unit is bytes.

Disclaimer about this. Back-end will only return the file size in bytes,
front-end is supposed to convert them into prettier units (KB, MB, ...).

Nothing much can be done if front-end have JavaScript disabled.
I don't want to defer the task, prettying the units, to back-end.
2019-04-19 11:56:57 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated fontello (added block and doc-inv icons).

Upload results will now show either doc or block icon on top of the
file name depending on the status of the upload
(unless the uploads are images, in which case they will still show
thumbnails instead).

Added support for customizable timeout and chunkSize options for ClamAV
scanning to the config file.

Bumped v1 and v3 version strings.
2019-04-18 16:06:14 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard.js
2019-04-12 07:53:44 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Re-worked caching for statistics
I guess I'll work on adding charts someday.
2019-04-12 07:45:33 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Added Statistics menu to Administration items in dashboard.

* Added /api/stats route.

Imo, my implementation of this whole thing is rather dirty-ish, but hey
as long as it works.

I'll be using lolisafe2 for future devs tbh.
2019-04-06 00:32:52 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated faq.njk 2019-04-05 09:27:10 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated _globals.njk
Forgot to bump v1 version string.
2019-03-28 03:49:03 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated renders 2019-03-28 03:33:38 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Rewritten function to generate video thumbnails with ffmpeg.
This should be much faster than ever.
This should also solve an issue where potrait videos could have their
thumbnails be taller than 200px, since it was only forcing width to be
no larger than 200px.

Updated dashboard's styling to make sure potrait thumbnails (only matter
for video thumbnails) not going out of its container.

Updated thumbs.js (yarn thumbs) script to display elapsed time for each
operation in seconds.

Bumped v1 version string (for dashboard.css).
2019-01-30 02:50:45 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Added .tiff, .tif, and .svg to allowed image extensions for thumbs gen

Added .svg to allowed image extensions for preview in uploads result
2019-01-18 08:15:53 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated album.js and dashboard.js
Updated getPrettyBytes() function.
Previously it was doing something wrong with size under 1024 bytes.
2019-01-14 20:06:57 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard.css
Break-all extension name in thumbs view.
2019-01-14 20:00:08 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated render.js
Version string for random renders will now use globals.v4 (new variable)
instead of globals.v1, since globals.v1 changes a lot more often.
Hence to allow this to happen, data-version attribute will now be added
to <script> tag of render.js in home.njk.
2019-01-14 19:44:09 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard.css
Better styling for thumbs view.
This ensures that extension names won't be cropped with certain fonts.

Increased non-hover opacity of checkboxes in thumbs view.
2019-01-14 19:33:53 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
NoJS uploader will now display the original file names in the results.

lolisafe.js will now automaticaly purge Cloudflare's cache of frontend
pages everytime it launches.
Of course this only applies when cacheControl is on in config file.
This sorta makes scripts/cfpurge.js script obsolete.
2019-01-09 17:11:45 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard
Display thumbnail feature in dashboard will now contain images smaller
than 200x200 in a 200x200 container and align them in the center.
2019-01-09 12:04:21 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard.js
Added loading animation to pagination buttons.
2019-01-08 05:54:12 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard.js
Fix checkboxes
2019-01-06 05:53:08 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Invalidate existing cache of public assets 2019-01-06 04:38:29 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated faq.njk 2019-01-05 11:58:38 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated faq.njk
Add newlines.
2019-01-05 11:56:46 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated faq.njk
Clarify server location and uploads caching by CDN.
2019-01-05 11:54:29 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated page.getPrettyBytes() in dashboard.js and album.js to support
non-SI units (which is by 1024 instead of 1000).
With that said, all "pretty bytes" display in dashboard and
album's public pages will now use non-SI units.

Bumped v1 version string.
2019-01-05 04:34:54 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated icon of View uploads button in Manage users page.

Updated fontello to include the icon.

Bumped v1 and v3 version strings.
2019-01-03 11:54:20 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated keys for local storage. They're now using camel case.
Not sure why I didn't use camel case in the first place.

View type and selected files of Uploads and Manage uploads (your own
uploads and all uploads, respectively) are now stored separately.

Added "filter by username" in Manage uploads.

Added "jump to page" in all uploads/users view.

Updated fontello (added filter icon).

Bumped v1 and v3 version string, due to dashboard.js and fontello

Curly rule fix for routes/nojs.js.
2019-01-03 11:49:56 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Better image thumbnailer
Images smaller than 200x200 will no longer be resized upwards, instead
they will be padded with transparent pixels.
This was the old behavior before we switched from GM to sharp.

With GM, its resize() function would do exactly that, but I couldn't
figure out how to do the same with only sharp's resize() function, so I
had to make do with a combination of resize() and extend().

Also updated error messages in dashboard when trying to load
out-of-index page in uploads/users lists.

Updated v1 version string due to dashboard.js being modified.
2019-01-03 08:54:46 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Added pagination to uploads and users list.
With that, /api/uploads and /api/users API routes will now add "count"
property to their response object.

Enabled Delete user button in users list.
With that also added /api/users/disable API route.
As usual, you can only disable users whose usergroup is lower than
your own.

Click event will no longer trigger on "disabled" elements (basically any
elements with "disabled" attribute).

Changed all arrow functions into regular functions in public JS files
(there were only a few that I somehow missed).

Bumped v1 version string.
2019-01-02 02:39:08 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updates [!! update config.js !!]
Added extended support for URL uploads.
Namely URL proxy support and separate extensions filter (as in separate
from the primary extensions filter).
There's also a new option to set a disclaimer message that will be
printed underneath the URL uploads form.

Trust proxy is now toggleable from the configuration file.
I think they should only be enabled when you're behind proxy such as
Cloudflare or Incapsula.
I'm not sure how it behaves with only a bare nginx reverse proxy though.

Empty files can now be filtered.

Sorted preset extensions filter in config.sample.js.

Rephrased some options in config.sample.js as well.

maxTries now default to 3 in config.sample.js.

Various other small changes.
2018-12-20 18:53:37 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated _globals.njk 2018-12-19 18:25:58 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Added total size to album public pages.
2018-12-13 20:31:24 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated album.njk
Use album's description on OG tags.
2018-12-13 16:13:03 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updates [!! run database/migration.js !!]
Added description column into albums.
So yeah, now albums can have description.
It'll only be shown in the album's edit popup and public link.

HTML chars will now be escaped from album's name and description.

Removed message warning about CDN cache from album's public link.
A shortened version will be shown as the download button's tooltip.

Darkened color of textarea's placeholder.

Bumped v1 version string.
2018-12-13 16:09:46 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Updated dashboard.css
Removed height animation from sidebar albums list.
I liked it back then, but now I simply find it an eyesore, kek.
2018-12-13 15:01:30 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Removed type attribute from all LINK and SCRIPT tags to follow the
recommended practice of HTML5.
2018-12-11 19:31:48 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
* Fixed home page going out of bound due to git commit message.

* Git commit message will no longer have dotted underline. The old solution by using border-bottom wasn't suitable when the text is being split by word-break, but text-decoration-style wouldn't look as good due to its distance from the text being too close.

* Updated bulma to 0.7.2.

* Bumped v1 and v3 version strings.

* Various other small tweaks.
2018-12-08 05:10:35 +07:00
Bobby Wibowo
Added a new config entry named "cacheFileIdentifiers". More info in config.sample.js file.

Improved some descriptions in config.sample.js file.

Added some CSS animations wherever applicable.

Bumped v1 version string.
2018-12-04 18:58:53 +07:00