Added cfpurge.js to scripts directory.
This can be used to purge cache of frontend pages and uploads.
Do "node scripts/cfpurge.js --help" for usage.
Removed "randver" from package.js/scripts.
I've installed randomstring globally instead and just simply do:
randomstring n
Back then I didn't know it could be used that way.
Updated page.getPrettyBytes() in dashboard.js and album.js to support
non-SI units (which is by 1024 instead of 1000).
With that said, all "pretty bytes" display in dashboard and
album's public pages will now use non-SI units.
Bumped v1 version string.
Updated keys for local storage. They're now using camel case.
Not sure why I didn't use camel case in the first place.
View type and selected files of Uploads and Manage uploads (your own
uploads and all uploads, respectively) are now stored separately.
Added "filter by username" in Manage uploads.
Added "jump to page" in all uploads/users view.
Updated fontello (added filter icon).
Bumped v1 and v3 version string, due to dashboard.js and fontello
Curly rule fix for routes/nojs.js.
Images smaller than 200x200 will no longer be resized upwards, instead
they will be padded with transparent pixels.
This was the old behavior before we switched from GM to sharp.
With GM, its resize() function would do exactly that, but I couldn't
figure out how to do the same with only sharp's resize() function, so I
had to make do with a combination of resize() and extend().
Also updated error messages in dashboard when trying to load
out-of-index page in uploads/users lists.
Updated v1 version string due to dashboard.js being modified.
Added pagination to uploads and users list.
With that, /api/uploads and /api/users API routes will now add "count"
property to their response object.
Enabled Delete user button in users list.
With that also added /api/users/disable API route.
As usual, you can only disable users whose usergroup is lower than
your own.
Click event will no longer trigger on "disabled" elements (basically any
elements with "disabled" attribute).
Changed all arrow functions into regular functions in public JS files
(there were only a few that I somehow missed).
Bumped v1 version string.
Added extended support for URL uploads.
Namely URL proxy support and separate extensions filter (as in separate
from the primary extensions filter).
There's also a new option to set a disclaimer message that will be
printed underneath the URL uploads form.
Trust proxy is now toggleable from the configuration file.
I think they should only be enabled when you're behind proxy such as
Cloudflare or Incapsula.
I'm not sure how it behaves with only a bare nginx reverse proxy though.
Empty files can now be filtered.
Sorted preset extensions filter in config.sample.js.
Rephrased some options in config.sample.js as well.
maxTries now default to 3 in config.sample.js.
Various other small changes.
Some small fixes
Removed GET route of /upload/delete.
I first wanted to implement a ShareX-compatible deletion URL,
but then I figured I'd need to setup delete token system,
and I was like, "screw that, I don't even use ShareX",
so yeah.
Updated ESLint rule: curly, again.
Mainly to also enabled "consistent" rule, which enforces curly into
else/elseif blocks, if its if block requires curly.
Added support for GET requests to /api/delete route.
Its usage is /api/delete/identifier, where identifier is the filename.
Though just like its POST route, it needs token in the header.
No more enforced curly for if/else/for/while/do blocks w/ one statement.
With that said, auto-fixed all JS files to follow the rule.
I'd also like to apologize for the inconveniences this commit cause,
after all it was me who intentionally enforced curly rule back then.
Why the change of heart?
After doing some more non-JS codes recently, I realized it was
pretty stupid of me to enforce that.
Added description column into albums.
So yeah, now albums can have description.
It'll only be shown in the album's edit popup and public link.
HTML chars will now be escaped from album's name and description.
Removed message warning about CDN cache from album's public link.
A shortened version will be shown as the download button's tooltip.
Darkened color of textarea's placeholder.
Bumped v1 version string.
The GET task of URL uploads will now limit the maximum size of the response body by the size reported in Content-Length header of the HEAD task.
This relies on node-fetch's way of handling it. I don't know the magic behind it.
DuckDuckGo's proxy is no longer supported as it stops reporting Content-Length header, which is crucial so that the safe could predict the actual file size before downloading it.
If you have it enabled in your config file, it will now close the safe with error code 1. You can either disable url uploads completely or just disable duckduckgo's proxy (though I believe not many will choose the latter as to begin with it was implemented to hide origin IP).