1.1 KiB
A repost is a kind 6
event that is used to signal to followers
that a kind 1
text note is worth reading.
The content
of a repost event is the stringified JSON of the reposted note. It MAY also be empty, but that is not recommended.
The repost event MUST include an e
tag with the id
of the note that is
being reposted. That tag MUST include a relay URL as its third entry
to indicate where it can be fetched.
The repost SHOULD include a p
tag with the pubkey
of the event being
Quote Reposts
Quote reposts are kind 1
events with an embedded q
tag of the note being
quote reposted. The q
tag ensures quote reposts are not pulled and included
as replies in threads. It also allows you to easily pull and count all of the
quotes for a post.
Generic Reposts
Since kind 6
reposts are reserved for kind 1
contents, we use kind 16
as a "generic repost", that can include any kind of event inside other than
kind 1
kind 16
reposts SHOULD contain a k
tag with the stringified kind number
of the reposted event as its value.