
943 B


Delegated aggregate signature verification

draft optional

Relays MAY choose to strip signatures from events. If they do so, they MUST provide a proof to clients that the relay has validated signatures for all events returned for a given REQ, using the REQ-PROOF verb with the request ID as the first argument, and the proof string as the second argument. This proof MUST be provided after the given EVENTs are sent, and applies to all previous events returned for the request since the last proof.

-> ["REQ", "<req-id>", <filter>]
<- ["EVENT", "<req-id>", <event1>]
<- ["EVENT", "<req-id>", <event2>]
<- ["EOSE", "<req-id>"]
<- ["REQ-PROOF", "<req-id>", "<proof>"] // This proof applies to the previous two events
<- ["EVENT", "<req-id>", <event3>]
<- ["REQ-PROOF", "<req-id>", "<proof>"] // This proof applies to the most recent event only
-> ["CLOSE", "<req-id>"]