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Country Code NIP-3166

draft author:steliosrammos

This NIP defines a standard country code tag for events.

c tag

The ISO3166-1 Alpha-2 standard can be used for a universally recognised country codes.

[“c”, “<ISO3166 alpha-2 country code>”]

The tag can be added on any event, and the meaning may vary (see Examples below). The advantage of having a tag specifically for location is to allow Nostr clients to easily query/filter content by location, and for Relays to index events by that tag.


On kind:0

The c tag can be added to profiles through the kind:0 event. Nostr clients can display the location on the profile page of the user (similar to Twitter/X profiles).

	"kind":  0,
	"tags": [
		[“c”, “GR”]  # Greece Country Code

On kind:1

On kind:1 events the c tag can be used as a status for the post (similar to Instagram posts with a location).

	"kind":  1,
	"content": "Enjoying a beer paid in Bitcoin at Bitcoin Beach."
	"tags": [
		[“c”, “ES”]  # El Salvador Country Code